5 reasons why Summer Camp beats any other summer job

Torn between spending another summer in the UK or spending an amazing summer in the US? Read on for our top 5 reasons why summer camp is better than any other job!


You spend the majority of your day at camp outside in the warm American sun... which means you will undoubtedly return with an awesome tan!


Your co-workers become your best friends. You spend all day everyday with these people and the friendships you make when you live and work so closely can last a life-time.


You get to try loads of new activities... and you’re getting paid to do it!


The work is challenging yet so rewarding! You will be pushed to your limits of exhaustion, your patience tried and tested, and you will be well and truly removed from your comfort zone on more than one occasion! However, the confidence you gain and the sense of achievement you feel at the end of the summer is unbelievable and makes it all worth it.


Finally, no other job allows you to reconnect with your childhood in the same way that camp does. It is a time to forget all your worries of living in the real world and to just go back to play-time! The memories and relationships you make with your campers will stay with you always. 

Want to find out more about Summer Camp Exchange USA? Then give our team a call on 0207 870 9570.

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