Work and travel
Travel like you mean it. Working holidays
and internships worldwide.

Why Bunac
Working holidays for 18-30 somethings. Don’t visit, live it.
We’re not just about seeing the world, we’re about seeing it with a purpose – whether that’s earning money on a working holiday, getting work experience on an internship abroad, or making a difference at a summer camp. Our team take the stress out of planning and booking your trip – hooking you up with the visas, sponsorship and job support you need to work and travel the world.
Trending now
Work as a ski valet in Canada, a barista in Melbourne or a soccer coach in America. It’s time to hit ESCAPE.

Intern in Britain
Blighty is buzzing right now. Put your career on the map with a 1-6 month paid or unpaid UK internship.

Work Australia
Life’s a beach when you have the salt in your hair and dollars in your pocket. Work for a year Down Under.

Summer Camp USA 2023
Seize the sunshine. Spend the summer growing your skills, making a difference and earning USD $2,000 salary

Work New Zealand
The mountains called. They said earn one of the highest minimum wages in the world working in New Zealand.

Work Canada
Offices don’t need walls. Spend two years living in Canada with a pre-arranged summer or ski season job.

Grad USA
America needs you. Live the American dream with this one-time 12-month work visa. (Aussies and Kiwis only, sorry!).
Travel with confidence

24/7 help and support
We’re always there when you call

60 years of adventures
Over 500,000 happy travellers

No worries low deposits
Book now, start planning, pay later

Working holiday experts
All our team have worked the world

From the blog

Working holiday in Canada
"I can honestly say I had the best time and if I had to do it all again, I wouldn't change a thing." Our very own BUNAC Travel Expert Ben, on living the high life working as a ski instructor in Canada.

Working holiday in New Zealand
“The year was without a doubt the best my life. I've experienced more than I ever have before and learnt so much about this beautiful place while making friends from every corner of the world.” Exactly what she said.

Meet Alex - a performing arts counsellor at Camp Sloane
"I would go back again in a heartbeat because some of the best friends I have come from doing this. It has made me the person I am today, a more confident, honest and caring person.” Travel is art, people.

Summer Camp 2023 is open!
An early bird had a word. It said, apply early for Summer Camp USA 2023 to make sure you get your first choice of camp and position. It also said, you'll earn USD $2,000 and have the summer of your life. Wise old bird.

Work Canada. Final call!
This way to the pool >> The 2022 IEC visa pool is still open. Don’t miss the chance to secure a two-year Canada working holiday visa. We’ll help you apply for your visa and guarantee a job before you go.

Gap years start here
Earn money, explore the world, enhance your CV. Preferably, all at the same time. From two weeks to two years, whatever gap you have in your CV/passport/bank account – we have a BUNAC program to fill it.